Condensé De Ressources Gratuites En Français Pour Apprendre Et Maitriser C#

Condensé De Ressources Gratuites En Français Pour Apprendre Et Maitriser C#

Le C# (Prononcez "cé charpe" à la française ou "ci charpe" à l'anglaise) est le langage de programmation phare de Microsoft, donc un langage très professionnalisant. Utilisé par un nombre important et grandissant de professionnels, il permet de réaliser toutes sortes d'applications. Une question qui revient souvent est : "Comment débuter en C#, quelles sont les meilleurs cours gratuits pour les francophones ?" Voici quelques suggestions....

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Eponymous Laws For Tech Strategists

Eponymous Laws For Tech Strategists

Parkinson's Law Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion In other words, if you have a certain amount of time to complete something, that’s how long it will generally take. Murphy's Law Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (at the worst possible time) Most ideas look great on paper. But by the time events go from A all the way through the alphabet to Z, you see who rules when it comes to getting something from the theoritical stage to the practical stage : it's Murphy's Law. No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. Hope for the best, be ready for the worst....

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It's All About The Selfie

It's All About The Selfie

The Selfie. Everyone knows everything about it... Or do they? How was it born? Where does it come from? Here I decided to dedicate an article to the Selfie story. I, a good disciple of the Web Lord, took my laptop pilgrim to write this article and preach the Good News of Technology to you, my dear readers......

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Mes 12 Astuces Préférées Avec Entity Framework

Mes 12 Astuces Préférées Avec Entity Framework

Entity Framework est un mappeur objet/relationnel qui permet aux développeurs .NET d'utiliser des données relationnelles à l'aide d'objets spécifiques au domaine. Il rend inutile la plupart du code d'accès aux données que les développeurs doivent généralement écrire. Je joue avec ça depuis deux ou trois ans, et voici mes techniques préférées:...

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Did You Just Say Crowdfunding?

During the month of August, I was helping out the TechOfAfrica team with the organization of an afropreneur afterwork event in Abidjan. So I was talking with a friend about that session, I was explaining that the purpose was to present the Afropreneur project and to promote the related crowdfunding campaign. But, as soon as I mentioned the word "Crowdfunding". my friend immediately shifted to a shocked face. "Huh? What's that, Nanda? Some of your geeky stuff again?", She asked. And then, I realised that what may seem obvious for some of us is not always that clear for others. This situation is amplified by the fact that many are not particularly comfortable with the language of Shakespeare. So I wrote this little article just to clear things up for everyone. Happy reading....

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Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

Archives Mensuelles

Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))